Tuesday, November 4, 2008

session 1 Nov 4

Session 1, Nov. 4

I signed up for this class because I see the enormous potential for using the venue of teleclasses to better help people that are living and working abroad to:

* access cross-cultural training, even from far-flung corners of the world,
* share personal experiences of the process of crossing cultures with others who are doing the same.
* realize that the process itself can be quite similar despite the different cultures involved.
* learn from each other,
* gain knowledge, skills and a framework for understanding in a cost-effective, flexible and easily-accessible way from anywhere.

1. What outcome would I like to received from this class?
knowledge of the adult learning process.
skills to facilitate this learning process to maximize results.
practical guidelines for managing teleclasses.
technical aspects for how to set one up.
costs involved, ideas on fee structures,
get a clear understanding of my personal teleclass training style and what I bring to the learning process.

2. How do I create a safe space?
welcome each person individually through the check in process
respect each person's intervention
respect also non-intervention
acknowledge each question and comment
express thanks for every intervention
use of silence to allow for thoughts to form

3. What do I do to be present before I begin class?
clear the mind of expectations.
leave space to be curious about what will happen.
ready to listen

4. How and what would I do in my first training session to insure that I provide the opportunity for learners to take that first step in participating?
do an exercise in which each person was called on individually to respond
make sure the exercise was not threatening in any way, or would expose personal ideas or feelings in a strong way.

First thoughts on personal training style.
curiosity, energy, humor, digging deeper,

Notes taken during classtime:
"How adults learn"
self-directed learning -- you determine what you want to learn
Adults know what is meaningful for them
actively involving them in the learning process
Students come up with the answers
Humor and lightness to create warmth and buy in
We don't pretend to have the answers, we have the right questions
Build on their knowledge
Not spoon-feeding information, give them the tools and expect them to take responsibility for themselves to get more
create a space
guides to their own experiences and how they
stimulate curiousity.

How to adjust for people from different cultures to this way of learning. Honoring the different learning syles (personal and cultural) that are coming together. Just be curious as to what they have to bring, the knowledge and way of being are different. Holding the space for many different models to come together with a strong respect for each different approach.

How can you figure out how people learn who never speak up in a teleclass environment.
You can give them more space and time before speaking.
Writing down first so there is time for reflection.
Written feedback means available.
the students take responsibility for themselves, so even if they are not speaking up, they are learning.

different learning styles. Very important self-knowledge on personal learning style.

two ending thoughts:
* we are not the only source of knowledge.
* stay out of the way of their learning.


Unknown said...

Hi Liz, thanks for the opportunity to get an insight on your reflections.

I particularly liked the fact you shared your thougths from the 1st session and also the clarity of your coaching niche comes across load and clear - icluding the about me section:-)


icon coach said...

Hi Liz,

Thank you for the notes sharing, I am curious how come we choose to blog in this way, not in Wordpress?

Anyway good job, keep in touch,


Anonymous said...

I like your thoughts on cross-cultural learning. I'd like to hear more about that.

Thanks for such a thorough reflection - it helped me solidify some of the concepts for myself.


Vickie Gray
The Adaptive Coach

Integral Coach said...

Hi Liz,

Thanks for your insights, and for the notes sharing!
I would love to have a chat with you someday about cross cultural coaching.
Best to you,

Kim A Richardson said...

Hi Elizabeth, As a South African living in the USA for over 8 years, I can relate to your experiences and would love to hear more and possibly run a teleseminar with you oneday about immigration issues!

See you in class...
Kim Richardson