Sunday, November 23, 2008

session 2 , Nov 18

I will be leading the class on "Advanced Coaching Techniques" under Prabha chandrasekhar on Dec. 1.

I will focus on the question: what is the difference between a coach and an advanced coach. The warm-up exercise competency is the ability to identify the benefits for the client, shift perspectives from the coach to the client. I will ask the class "What does an advanced coach bring to the coaching process that adds value to the client."

The class should walk away with the ability to identify what makes for an advanced coach, in terms of personal qualities and techniques.
1. personal qualities: understanding of personal style, strengths, what you bring to the coaching process.
2. being a role model of authenticity
3. a tool box of techniques and the ability to choose among them as the situation requires.
4. acknowledge that it is a process.

I will use the competencies of listening and reflecting back during the class.I will also ask powerful questions to open up possibilities of being an "advanced" coach.

A competency model identifies the competencies necessary for each job as well as the knowledge, skills, behavior and personality characteristics underlying each competency.

THere are four levels to achieving competency:
Unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, unconscious competence.

During lesson:
provide opportunities to become competent
measure competence level
evaluate training against success of the participants in becoming competent.

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