Sunday, November 30, 2008

Session 3

Tomorrow I will be leading the class: Advanced Coaching Techniques 1
I am looking forward to the experience and I feel comfortable being flexible and following the plan as an outline.

Below I have copied the beginning of the lesson plan, the competencies and our class questions.

On First:
* Create a safe learning environment through a calm voice, tone of speech, strong positive energy, listening carefully and respectfully to everyone, gently nudging participation and acknowledging those who share.
* Check in with myself at various times during the hour to make sure I am maintaining this environment.
* Acknowledge a competency when it comes up.

Welcome warmly each person, repeat and write down name, ask a few personal questions.
Introduce myself and why I am leading the class., Introduce Prabha and that she will be present.

Warm-up exercise:
Today we will be discussing Advanced Coaching Techniques. The two words, Advanced and Techniques can mean different things to different people. They can also be scary words that are full of significance.

What I would like to focus on today is the underlying question: what distinguishes an advanced coach. So to start with the end in mind, I would like to begin this session by asking you to take out a pen and piece of paper and take a moment to answer this question.

“What do you think an advanced coach brings to the coaching process that provides added value to the client.” You can use a phrase, an image, a diagram, whatever works for you to best describe the sense of what advanced coaching means to the client.
• Leave a minute or two
• Ask each person individually to share what they wrote
• Summarize the answers. The competency developed in this exercise is the ability to identify the benefits to the client, shift perspectives from the coach to the client. (I will be using my listening and feedback skills to do this and will adjust the rest of the outline as a consequence of this feedback).

1. Coaching presence to its highest expression -- by recognizing and leverage the uniqueness that you bring to your coaching: understanding of personal style, strengths, what you bring to the coaching process and in this way being a role model authenticity.
2. Creating awareness of possibilities – the creation process.

What parts of the lesson plan are especially important for you as a trainer?
Open questions for each person to create a picture for themselves based on their knowledge and experience.
Creating a safe and open environment where people freely participate.
Each person walking away with a new level of competence in the area.
Each personl walking away with something new to think about.

Do you deviate from the plan and if so how do you know when or how to do that?
Deviating is fine if the direction the discussion goes is just another route to achieving competence in the competency area. There are many ways to achieve an end training goal, and part of being an excellent trainer is being able to deviate from the plan, yet still achieve the goal for the class.
When to do it, is when there is a tension in the class that is taking it in another direction. Then you can decide whether that new direction is still in line with the end goal or not. If so, you can be flexible but very aware to keep the end in mind.
How to do it, is be flexible, alert, listen even more carefully to check in on the direction, call on personal experience and trust that the flow will go in a good direction that is working for this group in this moment.

What are some ways to add visual and kinesthetic elements to a teleclass?
Leave option to draw, diagram, write to express a thought. Use a mindmap. Make an action plan. Have everyone stretch together.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

session 2 , Nov 18

I will be leading the class on "Advanced Coaching Techniques" under Prabha chandrasekhar on Dec. 1.

I will focus on the question: what is the difference between a coach and an advanced coach. The warm-up exercise competency is the ability to identify the benefits for the client, shift perspectives from the coach to the client. I will ask the class "What does an advanced coach bring to the coaching process that adds value to the client."

The class should walk away with the ability to identify what makes for an advanced coach, in terms of personal qualities and techniques.
1. personal qualities: understanding of personal style, strengths, what you bring to the coaching process.
2. being a role model of authenticity
3. a tool box of techniques and the ability to choose among them as the situation requires.
4. acknowledge that it is a process.

I will use the competencies of listening and reflecting back during the class.I will also ask powerful questions to open up possibilities of being an "advanced" coach.

A competency model identifies the competencies necessary for each job as well as the knowledge, skills, behavior and personality characteristics underlying each competency.

THere are four levels to achieving competency:
Unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, unconscious competence.

During lesson:
provide opportunities to become competent
measure competence level
evaluate training against success of the participants in becoming competent.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

session 1 Nov 4

Session 1, Nov. 4

I signed up for this class because I see the enormous potential for using the venue of teleclasses to better help people that are living and working abroad to:

* access cross-cultural training, even from far-flung corners of the world,
* share personal experiences of the process of crossing cultures with others who are doing the same.
* realize that the process itself can be quite similar despite the different cultures involved.
* learn from each other,
* gain knowledge, skills and a framework for understanding in a cost-effective, flexible and easily-accessible way from anywhere.

1. What outcome would I like to received from this class?
knowledge of the adult learning process.
skills to facilitate this learning process to maximize results.
practical guidelines for managing teleclasses.
technical aspects for how to set one up.
costs involved, ideas on fee structures,
get a clear understanding of my personal teleclass training style and what I bring to the learning process.

2. How do I create a safe space?
welcome each person individually through the check in process
respect each person's intervention
respect also non-intervention
acknowledge each question and comment
express thanks for every intervention
use of silence to allow for thoughts to form

3. What do I do to be present before I begin class?
clear the mind of expectations.
leave space to be curious about what will happen.
ready to listen

4. How and what would I do in my first training session to insure that I provide the opportunity for learners to take that first step in participating?
do an exercise in which each person was called on individually to respond
make sure the exercise was not threatening in any way, or would expose personal ideas or feelings in a strong way.

First thoughts on personal training style.
curiosity, energy, humor, digging deeper,

Notes taken during classtime:
"How adults learn"
self-directed learning -- you determine what you want to learn
Adults know what is meaningful for them
actively involving them in the learning process
Students come up with the answers
Humor and lightness to create warmth and buy in
We don't pretend to have the answers, we have the right questions
Build on their knowledge
Not spoon-feeding information, give them the tools and expect them to take responsibility for themselves to get more
create a space
guides to their own experiences and how they
stimulate curiousity.

How to adjust for people from different cultures to this way of learning. Honoring the different learning syles (personal and cultural) that are coming together. Just be curious as to what they have to bring, the knowledge and way of being are different. Holding the space for many different models to come together with a strong respect for each different approach.

How can you figure out how people learn who never speak up in a teleclass environment.
You can give them more space and time before speaking.
Writing down first so there is time for reflection.
Written feedback means available.
the students take responsibility for themselves, so even if they are not speaking up, they are learning.

different learning styles. Very important self-knowledge on personal learning style.

two ending thoughts:
* we are not the only source of knowledge.
* stay out of the way of their learning.