Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Session 4

I envision myself as a learning leader that serves through my presence, knowledge, skills, personal strengths and experience while being open to receiving from the students or client. I will both support and learn. Each student has something to give to the argument that will add to the discussion and learning. I will be open to receiving that new learning.

I have a particular skill at making connections, seeing patterns and linking different ideas and facts together in original ways. I can both lead and learn by listening to the experiences and knowledge of the students and reflecting back those connections and patterns to help them see a larger or different perspective.

I also need to understand the big picture and will construct this from pieces provided by students, then adjust and refine and reorganize this picture as new information is added.

I like to be verbally and analytically precise and I keep asking questions until the logic is clear, thereby helping students clarify for themselves what they already know.

I treat all materials with a certain degree of lightness. There is always space for a smile and lightness from everyone present to take away the significance and heaviness from the moment.